


Our Mission

The Muslim American Public Affairs Council (MAPAC) is an organization that aims to lobby at all levels of government on behalf of our growing American Muslim community. MAPAC focuses on politics and its effect on Muslims in America. MAPAC supports our Islamic Organizations in fulfilling their purpose and responsibility for the religious affairs in our areas. MAPAC also supports all other Muslim organizations in their efforts in many areas such as peace and human rights issues.

What We Do

The Muslim American Public Affairs Council (MAPAC) is an organization that aims to lobby at all levels of government on behalf of our growing American Muslim community. MAPAC focuses on politics and its effect on Muslims in America. MAPAC supports our Islamic Organizations in fulfilling their purpose and responsibility for the religious affairs in our areas. MAPAC also supports all other Muslim organizations in their efforts in many areas such as peace and human rights issues.

  • Educate and encourage American Muslims to partake in the US political process.
  • Lobby Politicians at all levels within the US political system.
  • Enhance the political empowerment of American Muslims at all levels of the American political process
  • Educate American policy makers on issues of concern to Muslims and their impact on the local, national and global Muslim community.
  • Present Islamic tradition, values, history and culture.
  • Foster inter-religious and inter-ethnic understanding, interaction and cooperation for enhancing the common good and dignity of all human beings.
  • Strive for assurance of basic human rights of all Americans and of all Muslims.
  • Strive to eliminate in the American society any vestiges of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion or ethnicity. 


MAPAC NC is composed of four bodies:

1.  Board of Trustees

2.  Executive Committee

3.  General Body

4.  Appointed Committees

Board of Trustees: This is a legislative body of MAPAC NC. This committee consists of not less than 7 nor more than fifteen (15) elected members from the Voting Members of the General Body. Each member of the BOT shall serve for a period of three (3) consecutive years.

Executive Committee: The Executive Committee consists of the MAPAC President, who acts as the Executive Committee Chair, the Standing Committee Chairs, the MAPAC Secretary and the MAPAC Treasurer. Board of Trustee Members are also considered to be Pro Forma members of the Executive Committee..

General Body: This body shall consist of two groups:

Voting Members: This group consists of paid members of the organization who agree to the constitution and the By Laws of the organization, have paid their dues according to the By Laws, and maintain their membership as required by the By Laws.

Associate Members: From time to time, non-Muslim members of the community may want to join the organization for personal reasons. Such members shall be exempt from voting and are not eligible for any BOT or EC membership as per the By Laws of the association. However, these members shall enjoy all other benefits of the membership of the organization, including discounted entry to events, FREE entry to educational events upon availability, and other benefits enjoyed by the Voting Members.

Appointed Committees: From time to time, BOT or EC may appoint adhoc or standing committees for administrative purposes. The main purpose of these committees is to distribute the day-to-day tasks to members of the organization to achieve those tasks in a timely manner, and also to provide leadership training to other members to continuously provide leaders for EC and BOT in the future.

Board of Trustees

2025 Board of Trustees:

Dr. Nabil Abdel-Rahman (Chair)

Dr Hisham Mohamed (Vice-Chair)

Mohamed Kenawey (Treasurer)

Ahmad Herzallah (Secretary)

Majid Abdel-Raziq

Dr. Mimi Aljabi

Nigel Edwards

Dr. Ahmed Khalil

Mohammad Omary

Shahid Shibbir

Manal Sidawi

Amjad Syam

2025 Executive Committee:

Nigel Edwards (President)

Dr. Mimi Aljabi (Chair- Political Action Committee)

Dr. Ahmed Khalil (Chair- Education Committee)

Shahid Shibbir (Chair- Media Committee)

Majid Abdel-Raziq (Chair- Public Relations & Outreach Committee)


MAPAC acknowledges the outgoing Trustees and and honors their dedication and efforts to serve the Muslim community:

Dr. Khodr Zaarour

Dr. Faisal Syed

Dr. Aisha Shoman

Kanwal Naiyar

Ford Chambliss

Jihad Shawwa

Musa Lipford

Elham Idris

Fatima Anam

Khalid Awan

Sohaila Dar

Zainab Abdul-Qaabidh Amir

Connect With Us.

Join the conversation and be part of the movement for positive change.

Have questions or want to learn more about MAPAC? Feel free to reach out to us using the contact information below. We're here to listen, support, and collaborate with you..

2025 Board of Trustees:

Dr. Nabil Abdel-Rahman (Chair)

Dr Hisham Mohamed (Vice-Chair)

Mohamed Kenawey (Treasurer)

Ahmad Herzallah (Secretary)

Majid Abdel-Raziq

Dr. Mimi Aljabi

Nigel Edwards

Dr. Ahmed Khalil

Mohammad Omary

Shahid Shibbir

Manal Sidawi

Amjad Syam

2025 Executive Committee:

Nigel Edwards (President)

Dr. Mimi Aljabi (Chair- Political Action Committee)

Dr. Ahmed Khalil (Chair- Education Committee)

Shahid Shibbir (Chair- Media Committee)

Majid Abdel-Raziq (Chair- Public Relations & Outreach Committee)


 MAPAC acknowledges the outgoing Trustees and and honors their dedication and efforts to serve the Muslim community:

Dr. Khodr Zaarour

Dr. Faisal Syed

Kanwal Naiyar

Ford Chambliss

Aisha Shoman

Jihad Shawwa

Musa Lipford

Elham Idris

Fatima Anam

Khalid Awan

Sohaila Dar

Zainab Abdul-Qaabidh Amir

Chairman: Dr. Khodr Zaarour

Vice Chairman: Dr. Faisal Syed

President: Ford Chambliss

Treasurer: Nabil Rahman

Secretary: Aisha Shoman


Political: Dr. Mimi AlJabi

Education: Zainab Abdul-Qaabidh Amir

Outreach: Jihad Shawwa

Public relations: kanwal Naiyar

Media: Lamont Musa Lipford

Membership and Fundraising: Elham Idris




P.O. Box 18196
Raleigh, NC 27619